Source code for coinbits.txns.wallet

from coinbits.txns.scripts import pay_to_pubkey_hash
from coinbits.protocol.serializers import TxIn, TxOut, Tx, TxSerializer
from coinbits.protocol.fields import VariableStringField

[docs]class Teller(object): """ A Teller can be used to create transactions. """ def __init__(self, private_key): """ Args: private_key: a PrivateKey """ self.private_key = private_key self.public_key = private_key.get_public_key() self.address = self.public_key.to_address()
[docs] def make_standard_tx(self, output, destination, amount, fee=10000): """ Create a standard transaction. Args: output: The previous output transaction reference, as an OutPoint structure destination: The address to transfer to amount: The amount to transfer (in Satoshis) fee: The amount to reserve for the miners. Default is 10K Satoshi's. Returns: A Tx object suitable for serialization / transfer on the wire. """ txin = TxIn() txin.previous_output = output txin.signature_script = pay_to_pubkey_hash(self.address) txout = TxOut() txout.value = amount - fee txout.pk_script = pay_to_pubkey_hash(destination) tx = Tx() tx.tx_in.append(txin) tx.tx_out.append(txout) raw = TxSerializer().serialize(tx).encode('hex') + "01000000" sig = self.private_key.sign(raw.decode('hex')) s = VariableStringField() s.parse(sig) txin.signature_script = s.serialize() s = VariableStringField() s.parse(self.public_key.to_hex().decode('hex')) txin.signature_script += s.serialize() tx.tx_in = [txin] return tx