Source code for coinbits.txns.keys

import hashlib
import ecdsa

from coinbits.encoding import b58encode, b58decode
from coinbits.txns.exceptions import KeyDecodeError

[docs]class PublicKey(object): """ This is a representation for Bitcoin public keys. In this class you'll find methods to import/export keys from multiple formats. Use a hex string representation to construct a new public key or use the clas methods to import from another format. """ key_prefix = '\x04' def __init__(self, hexkey): """ Initialize a public key object. Requires an existing version of this key in hex. Args: hexkey: The key in hex string format """ stringkey = hexkey.decode("hex")[1:] self.public_key = ecdsa.VerifyingKey.from_string(stringkey, curve=ecdsa.SECP256k1) @classmethod
[docs] def from_private_key(klass, private_key): """ This class method will create a new PublicKey based on a PrivateKey. Args: private_key: The PrivateKey Returns: A new PublicKey """ public_key = private_key.private_key.get_verifying_key() hexkey = (klass.key_prefix + public_key.to_string()).encode("hex") return klass(hexkey)
[docs] def verify(self, signature, message): """ Verify the given signature of the message. Returns True if verification is successful, False otherwise. """ digest = hashlib.sha256(hashlib.sha256(message).digest()).digest() return self.public_key.verify_digest(signature[:-1], digest, sigdecode=ecdsa.util.sigdecode_der)
[docs] def to_hex(self): """ This method will convert the public key to a hex string representation. Returns: A hex string representation of the public key """ hexkey = self.public_key.to_string().encode("hex") return self.key_prefix.encode("hex") + hexkey.upper()
[docs] def to_address(self): """ This method will convert the public key to a bitcoin address. Returns: A bitcoin address for the public key """ sha256digest = hashlib.sha256(str(self)).digest() ripemd160 ='ripemd160') ripemd160.update(sha256digest) ripemd160_digest = ripemd160.digest() # Prepend the version info ripemd160_digest = '\x00' + ripemd160_digest # Calc checksum checksum = hashlib.sha256(ripemd160_digest).digest() checksum = hashlib.sha256(checksum).digest() checksum = checksum[:4] # Append checksum address = ripemd160_digest + checksum address_bignum = int('0x' + address.encode('hex'), 16) return '1' + b58encode(address_bignum)
def __repr__(self): return "<PublicKey address=[%s]>" % self.to_address() def __eq__(self, other): return self.to_hex() == other.to_hex()
[docs] def __str__(self): """ This method will convert the public key to a string representation. Returns: A string representation of the public key """ return self.key_prefix + self.public_key.to_string()
[docs]class PrivateKey(object): """ This is a representation for Bitcoin private keys. In this class you'll find methods to import/export keys from multiple formats. Use a hex string representation to construct a new PublicKey or use the clas methods to import from another format. """ wif_prefix = '\x80' def __init__(self, hexkey=None): """ Construct a new PrivateKey object, based optionally on an existing hex representation. Args: hexkey: The key in hex string format. If one isn't provided, a new private key will be generated. """ if hexkey: stringkey = hexkey.decode("hex") self.private_key = \ ecdsa.SigningKey.from_string(stringkey, curve=ecdsa.SECP256k1) else: self.private_key = \ ecdsa.SigningKey.generate(curve=ecdsa.SECP256k1) @classmethod
[docs] def from_string(klass, stringkey): """ This method will create a new Private Key using the specified string data. Args: stringkey: The key in string format Returns: A new PrivateKey """ return klass(stringkey.encode("hex"))
[docs] def from_wif(klass, wifkey): """ This method will create a new PrivateKey from a WIF format string. Args: wifkey: The private key in WIF format Returns: A new PrivateKey """ hexkey = "%x" % b58decode(wifkey) checksum = hexkey[(-4 * 2):].decode("hex") key = hexkey[:(-4 * 2)].decode("hex") shafirst = hashlib.sha256(key).digest() shasecond = hashlib.sha256(shafirst).digest() if shasecond[:4] != checksum: raise KeyDecodeError("Invalid checksum for the address.") return klass(key[1:].encode("hex"))
[docs] def to_hex(self): """ This method will convert the Private Key to a hex string representation. Returns: Hex string representation of this PrivateKey """ hexkey = self.private_key.to_string().encode("hex") return hexkey.upper()
[docs] def to_wif(self): """ This method will export the Private Key to WIF (Wallet Import Format). Returns: The PrivateKey in WIF format. """ extendedkey = self.wif_prefix + str(self) shafirst = hashlib.sha256(extendedkey).digest() shasecond = hashlib.sha256(shafirst).digest() checksum = shasecond[:4] extendedkey = extendedkey + checksum key_bignum = int('0x' + extendedkey.encode('hex'), 16) return b58encode(key_bignum)
[docs] def to_address(self): """ Convert to public key and then get the public address for that key. """ return self.get_public_key().to_address()
[docs] def sign(self, data): """Digest and then sign the data.""" digest = hashlib.sha256(hashlib.sha256(data).digest()).digest() sig = self.private_key.sign_digest(digest, sigencode=ecdsa.util.sigencode_der) # 01 is hashtype return sig + '\01'
[docs] def get_public_key(self): """ This method will create a new PublicKey based on this PrivateKey. Returns: A new PublicKey """ return PublicKey.from_private_key(self)
def __eq__(self, other): return self.to_hex() == other.to_hex()
[docs] def __str__(self): """ This method will convert the PrivateKey to a string representation. """ return self.private_key.to_string()
def __repr__(self): return "<PrivateKey hexkey=[%s]>" % self.to_hex()