Source code for coinbits.protocol.serializers

import time
import hashlib
import struct
from cStringIO import StringIO
from collections import OrderedDict

from coinbits import version as coinbits_version
from coinbits.protocol import fields, utils
from coinbits.protocol.exceptions import UnknownMessageException

[docs]class SerializerMeta(type): """The serializer meta class. This class will create an attribute called '_fields' in each serializer with the ordered dict of fields present on the subclasses. """ def __new__(meta, name, bases, attrs): attrs["_fields"] = meta.get_fields(bases, attrs, fields.Field) return super(SerializerMeta, meta).__new__(meta, name, bases, attrs) @classmethod
[docs] def get_fields(meta, bases, attrs, field_class): """This method will construct an ordered dict with all the fields present on the serializer classes.""" fields = [(field_name, attrs.pop(field_name)) for field_name, field_value in list(attrs.iteritems()) if isinstance(field_value, field_class)] for base_cls in bases[::-1]: if hasattr(base_cls, "_fields"): fields = list(base_cls._fields.items()) + fields fields.sort(key=lambda it: it[1].count) return OrderedDict(fields)
[docs]class SerializerABC(object): """The serializer abstract base class.""" __metaclass__ = SerializerMeta
[docs]class Serializer(SerializerABC): """The main serializer class, inherit from this class to create custom serializers. Example of use:: class VerAckSerializer(Serializer): model_class = VerAck """
[docs] def serialize(self, obj, fields=None): """This method will receive an object and then will serialize it according to the fields declared on the serializer. :param obj: The object to serializer. """ bin_data = StringIO() for field_name, field_obj in self._fields.iteritems(): if fields: if field_name not in fields: continue attr = getattr(obj, field_name, None) field_obj.parse(attr) bin_data.write(field_obj.serialize()) return bin_data.getvalue()
[docs] def deserialize(self, stream): """This method will read the stream and then will deserialize the binary data information present on it. :param stream: A file-like object (StringIO, file, socket, etc.) """ model = self.model_class() for field_name, field_obj in self._fields.iteritems(): value = field_obj.deserialize(stream) setattr(model, field_name, value) return model
[docs]class SerializableMessage(object):
[docs] def get_message(self, coin="bitcoin"): """Get the binary version of this message, complete with header.""" message_header = MessageHeader(coin) message_header_serial = MessageHeaderSerializer() serializer = getSerializer(self.command) bin_message = serializer.serialize(self) payload_checksum = \ MessageHeaderSerializer.calc_checksum(bin_message) message_header.checksum = payload_checksum message_header.length = len(bin_message) message_header.command = self.command bin_header = message_header_serial.serialize(message_header) return bin_header + bin_message
[docs] def get_field_names(self): return getSerializer(self.command)._fields.keys()
def __repr__(self): attrs = [ "%s=%s" % (name, getattr(self, name)) for name in self.get_field_names() ] return "<%s %s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, ", ".join(attrs)) def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __eq__(self, other): if type(self) != type(other): return False for name in self.get_field_names(): if getattr(self, name) != getattr(other, name): return False return True
[docs]class MessageHeader(object): """The header of all bitcoin messages.""" def __init__(self, coin="bitcoin"): self.magic = fields.MAGIC_VALUES[coin] self.command = "None" self.length = 0 self.checksum = 0 def _magic_to_text(self): """Converts the magic value to a textual representation.""" for k, v in fields.MAGIC_VALUES.iteritems(): if v == self.magic: return k return "Unknown Magic" def __repr__(self): return "<%s Magic=[%s] Length=[%d] Checksum=[%d]>" % \ (self.__class__.__name__, self._magic_to_text(), self.length, self.checksum)
[docs]class MessageHeaderSerializer(Serializer): """Serializer for the MessageHeader.""" model_class = MessageHeader magic = fields.UInt32LEField() command = fields.FixedStringField(12) length = fields.UInt32LEField() checksum = fields.UInt32LEField() @staticmethod
[docs] def calcsize(): return struct.calcsize("i12sii")
[docs] def calc_checksum(payload): """Calculate the checksum of the specified payload. :param payload: The binary data payload. """ sha256hash = hashlib.sha256(payload) sha256hash = hashlib.sha256(sha256hash.digest()) checksum = sha256hash.digest()[:4] return struct.unpack("<I", checksum)[0]
[docs]class IPv4Address(object): """The IPv4 Address (without timestamp).""" def __init__(self): = fields.SERVICES["NODE_NETWORK"] self.ip_address = "" self.port = 8333 def _services_to_text(self): """Converts the services field into a textual representation.""" services = [] for service_name, flag_mask in fields.SERVICES.iteritems(): if & flag_mask: services.append(service_name) return services def __repr__(self): services = self._services_to_text() if not services: services = "No Services" p = (self.__class__.__name__, self.ip_address, self.port, services) return "<%s IP=[%s:%d] Services=%r>" % p
[docs]class IPv4AddressSerializer(Serializer): """Serializer for the IPv4Address.""" model_class = IPv4Address services = fields.UInt64LEField() ip_address = fields.IPv4AddressField() port = fields.UInt16BEField()
[docs]class IPv4AddressTimestamp(IPv4Address): """The IPv4 Address with timestamp.""" def __init__(self): super(IPv4AddressTimestamp, self).__init__() self.timestamp = time.time() def __repr__(self): services = self._services_to_text() if not services: services = "No Services" return "<%s Timestamp=[%s] IP=[%s:%d] Services=%r>" % \ (self.__class__.__name__, time.ctime(self.timestamp), self.ip_address, self.port, services)
[docs]class IPv4AddressTimestampSerializer(Serializer): """Serializer for the IPv4AddressTimestamp.""" model_class = IPv4AddressTimestamp timestamp = fields.UInt32LEField() services = fields.UInt64LEField() ip_address = fields.IPv4AddressField() port = fields.UInt16BEField()
[docs]class Version(SerializableMessage): """The version command.""" command = "version" def __init__(self): self.version = fields.PROTOCOL_VERSION = fields.SERVICES["NODE_NETWORK"] self.timestamp = time.time() self.addr_recv = IPv4Address() self.addr_from = IPv4Address() self.nonce = utils.nonce() self.user_agent = "/coinbits:%s/" % coinbits_version self.start_height = 0
[docs]class VersionSerializer(Serializer): """The version command serializer.""" model_class = Version version = fields.Int32LEField() services = fields.UInt64LEField() timestamp = fields.Int64LEField() addr_recv = fields.NestedField(IPv4AddressSerializer) addr_from = fields.NestedField(IPv4AddressSerializer) nonce = fields.UInt64LEField() user_agent = fields.VariableStringField() start_height = fields.Int32LEField()
[docs]class VerAck(SerializableMessage): """The version acknowledge (verack) command.""" command = "verack"
[docs]class VerAckSerializer(Serializer): """The serializer for the verack command.""" model_class = VerAck
[docs]class Ping(SerializableMessage): """The ping command, which should always be answered with a Pong.""" command = "ping" def __init__(self): self.nonce = utils.nonce() def __repr__(self): return "<%s Nonce=[%d]>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.nonce)
[docs]class PingSerializer(Serializer): """The ping command serializer.""" model_class = Ping nonce = fields.UInt64LEField()
[docs]class Pong(SerializableMessage): """The pong command, usually returned when a ping command arrives.""" command = "pong" def __init__(self): self.nonce = utils.nonce() def __repr__(self): return "<%s Nonce=[%d]>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.nonce)
[docs]class PongSerializer(Serializer): """The pong command serializer.""" model_class = Pong nonce = fields.UInt64LEField()
[docs]class Inventory(SerializableMessage): """The Inventory representation.""" def __init__(self): self.inv_type = fields.INVENTORY_TYPE["MSG_TX"] self.inv_hash = 0
[docs] def type_to_text(self): """Converts the inventory type to text representation.""" for k, v in fields.INVENTORY_TYPE.iteritems(): if v == self.inv_type: return k return "Unknown Type"
def __repr__(self): return "<%s Type=[%s] Hash=[%064x]>" % \ (self.__class__.__name__, self.type_to_text(), self.inv_hash) def __eq__(self, other): return self.inv_type == other.inv_type and self.inv_hash == other.inv_hash
[docs]class InventorySerializer(Serializer): """The serializer for the Inventory.""" model_class = Inventory inv_type = fields.UInt32LEField() inv_hash = fields.Hash()
[docs]class InventoryVector(SerializableMessage): """A vector of inventories.""" command = "inv" def __init__(self): self.inventory = [] def __repr__(self): return "<%s Count=[%d]>" % (self.__class__.__name__, len(self)) def __len__(self): return len(self.inventory) def __iter__(self): return iter(self.inventory)
[docs]class InventoryVectorSerializer(Serializer): """The serializer for the vector of inventories.""" model_class = InventoryVector inventory = fields.ListField(InventorySerializer)
[docs]class AddressVector(SerializableMessage): """A vector of addresses.""" command = "addr" def __init__(self): self.addresses = [] def __repr__(self): return "<%s Count=[%d]>" % (self.__class__.__name__, len(self)) def __len__(self): return len(self.addresses) def __iter__(self): return iter(self.addresses)
[docs]class AddressVectorSerializer(Serializer): """Serializer for the addresses vector.""" model_class = AddressVector addresses = fields.ListField(IPv4AddressTimestampSerializer)
[docs]class GetData(InventoryVector): """GetData message command.""" command = "getdata"
[docs]class GetDataSerializer(Serializer): """Serializer for the GetData command.""" model_class = GetData inventory = fields.ListField(InventorySerializer)
[docs]class NotFound(GetData): """NotFound command message.""" command = "notfound"
[docs]class NotFoundSerializer(Serializer): """Serializer for the NotFound message.""" model_class = NotFound inventory = fields.ListField(InventorySerializer)
[docs]class OutPoint(object): """The OutPoint representation.""" def __init__(self): self.out_hash = 0 self.index = 0 def __repr__(self): return "<%s Index=[%d] Hash=[%064x]>" % \ (self.__class__.__name__, self.index, self.out_hash)
[docs]class OutPointSerializer(Serializer): """The OutPoint representation serializer.""" model_class = OutPoint out_hash = fields.Hash() index = fields.UInt32LEField()
[docs]class TxIn(object): """The transaction input representation.""" def __init__(self): self.previous_output = None self.signature_script = "Empty" # See for definition. # Basically, this field should always be UINT_MAX, i.e. int("ffffffff", 16) self.sequence = 4294967295 def __repr__(self): return "<%s Sequence=[%d]>" % \ (self.__class__.__name__, self.sequence)
[docs]class TxInSerializer(Serializer): """The transaction input serializer.""" model_class = TxIn previous_output = fields.NestedField(OutPointSerializer) signature_script = fields.VariableStringField() sequence = fields.UInt32LEField()
[docs]class TxOut(object): """The transaction output.""" def __init__(self): self.value = 0 self.pk_script = "Empty"
[docs] def get_btc_value(self): return self.value // 100000000 + self.value % 100000000 / 100000000.0
def __repr__(self): return "<%s Value=[%.8f]>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.get_btc_value())
[docs]class TxOutSerializer(Serializer): """The transaction output serializer.""" model_class = TxOut value = fields.Int64LEField() pk_script = fields.VariableStringField()
[docs]class Tx(SerializableMessage): """The main transaction representation, this object will contain all the inputs and outputs of the transaction.""" command = "tx" def __init__(self): self.version = 1 self.tx_in = [] self.tx_out = [] self.lock_time = 0 def _locktime_to_text(self): """Converts the lock-time to textual representation.""" text = "Unknown" if self.lock_time == 0: text = "Always Locked" elif self.lock_time < 500000000: text = "Block %d" % self.lock_time elif self.lock_time >= 500000000: text = time.ctime(self.lock_time) return text
[docs] def calculate_hash(self): """This method will calculate the hash of the transaction.""" hash_fields = ["version", "tx_in", "tx_out", "lock_time"] serializer = TxSerializer() bin_data = serializer.serialize(self, hash_fields) h = hashlib.sha256(bin_data).digest() h = hashlib.sha256(h).digest() return h[::-1].encode("hex_codec")
def __repr__(self): return "<%s Version=[%d] Lock Time=[%s] TxIn Count=[%d] Hash=[%s] TxOut Count=[%d]>" \ % (self.__class__.__name__, self.version, self._locktime_to_text(), len(self.tx_in), self.calculate_hash(), len(self.tx_out))
[docs]class TxSerializer(Serializer): """The transaction serializer.""" model_class = Tx version = fields.UInt32LEField() tx_in = fields.ListField(TxInSerializer) tx_out = fields.ListField(TxOutSerializer) lock_time = fields.UInt32LEField()
[docs]class BlockHeader(SerializableMessage): """The header of the block.""" def __init__(self): self.version = 0 self.prev_block = 0 self.merkle_root = 0 self.timestamp = 0 self.bits = 0 self.nonce = 0 self.txns_count = 0
[docs] def calculate_hash(self): """This method will calculate the hash of the block.""" hash_fields = ["version", "prev_block", "merkle_root", "timestamp", "bits", "nonce"] serializer = BlockSerializer() bin_data = serializer.serialize(self, hash_fields) h = hashlib.sha256(bin_data).digest() h = hashlib.sha256(h).digest() return h[::-1].encode("hex_codec")
def __repr__(self): return "<%s Version=[%d] Timestamp=[%s] Nonce=[%d] Hash=[%s] Tx Count=[%d]>" % \ (self.__class__.__name__, self.version, time.ctime(self.timestamp), self.nonce, self.calculate_hash(), self.txns_count)
[docs]class BlockHeaderSerializer(Serializer): """The serializer for the block header.""" model_class = BlockHeader version = fields.UInt32LEField() prev_block = fields.Hash() merkle_root = fields.Hash() timestamp = fields.UInt32LEField() bits = fields.UInt32LEField() nonce = fields.UInt32LEField() txns_count = fields.VariableIntegerField()
[docs]class Block(BlockHeader): """The block message. This message contains all the transactions present in the block.""" command = "block" def __init__(self): self.version = 0 self.prev_block = 0 self.merkle_root = 0 self.timestamp = 0 self.bits = 0 self.nonce = 0 self.txns = [] def __len__(self): return len(self.txns) def __iter__(self): return iter(self.txns) def __repr__(self): return "<%s Version=[%d] Timestamp=[%s] Nonce=[%d] Hash=[%s] Tx Count=[%d]>" % \ (self.__class__.__name__, self.version, time.ctime(self.timestamp), self.nonce, self.calculate_hash(), len(self))
[docs]class BlockSerializer(Serializer): """The deserializer for the blocks.""" model_class = Block version = fields.UInt32LEField() prev_block = fields.Hash() merkle_root = fields.Hash() timestamp = fields.UInt32LEField() bits = fields.UInt32LEField() nonce = fields.UInt32LEField() txns = fields.ListField(TxSerializer)
[docs]class HeaderVector(SerializableMessage): """The header only vector.""" command = "headers" def __init__(self): self.headers = [] def __repr__(self): return "<%s Count=[%d]>" % (self.__class__.__name__, len(self)) def __len__(self): return len(self.headers) def __iter__(self): return iter(self.headers)
[docs]class HeaderVectorSerializer(Serializer): """Serializer for the block header vector.""" model_class = HeaderVector headers = fields.ListField(BlockHeaderSerializer)
[docs]class MemPool(SerializableMessage): """The mempool command.""" command = "mempool"
[docs]class MemPoolSerializer(Serializer): """The serializer for the mempool command.""" model_class = MemPool
[docs]class GetAddr(SerializableMessage): """The getaddr command.""" command = "getaddr"
[docs]class GetAddrSerializer(Serializer): """The serializer for the getaddr command.""" model_class = GetAddr
[docs]class GetBlocks(SerializableMessage): """The getblocks command.""" command = "getblocks" def __init__(self, hashes): self.version = fields.PROTOCOL_VERSION self.hash_count = len(hashes) self.hash_stop = 0 self.block_hashes = hashes
[docs]class GetBlocksSerializer(Serializer): model_class = GetBlocks version = fields.UInt32LEField() hash_count = fields.VariableIntegerField() block_hashes = fields.BlockLocator() hash_stop = fields.Hash()
[docs]class GetHeaders(GetBlocks): command = "getheaders"
[docs]class GetHeadersSerializer(GetBlocksSerializer): model_class = GetHeaders
[docs]class Reject(SerializableMessage): command = "reject" def __init__(self): self.message = None # general "invalid" error code is default self.ccode = 0x10 self.reason = "Unknown" = None
[docs]class RejectSerializer(Serializer): model_class = Reject message = fields.VariableStringField() ccode = fields.FixedStringField(1) reason = fields.VariableStringField() data = fields.Hash()
CMD_MAPPING = { "version": VersionSerializer, "verack": VerAckSerializer, "ping": PingSerializer, "pong": PongSerializer, "inv": InventoryVectorSerializer, "addr": AddressVectorSerializer, "getdata": GetDataSerializer, "notfound": NotFoundSerializer, "tx": TxSerializer, "block": BlockSerializer, "headers": HeaderVectorSerializer, "mempool": MemPoolSerializer, "getaddr": GetAddrSerializer, "getblocks": GetBlocksSerializer, "getheaders": GetHeadersSerializer, "reject": RejectSerializer }
[docs]def getSerializer(msgtype): """ Return a new serializer of the given msg type. """ if msgtype not in CMD_MAPPING: raise UnknownMessageException("%s is not recognized" % msgtype) return CMD_MAPPING[msgtype]()