Source code for coinbits.client

import socket

from coinbits.protocol.exceptions import NodeDisconnectException
from coinbits.protocol.buffer import ProtocolBuffer
from coinbits.protocol.serializers import Version, VerAck, Pong

[docs]class BitcoinClient(object): """ The base class for a Bitcoin network client. This class will handle the initial handshake and responding to pings. """ coin = "bitcoin" def __init__(self, peerip, port=8333): self.buffer = ProtocolBuffer() # connect self.socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.socket.connect((peerip, port)) # send our version self.send_message(Version())
[docs] def handle_version(self, message_header, message): """ This method will handle the Version message and will send a VerAck message when it receives the Version message. Args: message_header: The Version message header message: The Version message """ self.send_message(VerAck()) self.connected()
[docs] def connected(self): """ Called once we've exchanged version information and can make calls on the network. """ pass
[docs] def handle_ping(self, message_header, message): """ This method will handle the Ping message and then will answer every Ping message with a Pong message using the nonce received. Args: message_header: The header of the Ping message message: The Ping message """ pong = Pong() pong.nonce = message.nonce self.send_message(pong)
[docs] def message_received(self, message_header, message): """ This method will be called for every message, and then will delegate to the appropriate handle_* function for the given message (if it exists). Args: message_header: The message header message: The message object """ handle_func_name = "handle_" + message_header.command handle_func = getattr(self, handle_func_name, None) if handle_func: handle_func(message_header, message)
[docs] def send_message(self, message): """ This method will serialize the message using the appropriate serializer based on the message command and then it will send it to the socket stream. :param message: The message object to send """ self.socket.sendall(message.get_message(self.coin))
[docs] def loop(self): """ This is the main method of the client, it will enter in a receive/send loop. """ while True: data = self.socket.recv(1024 * 8) if len(data) <= 0: raise NodeDisconnectException("Node disconnected.") self.buffer.write(data) message_header, message = self.buffer.receive_message() if message is not None: self.message_received(message_header, message)